Eyepieces and Binokular

The FFC (Fluorid Flatfield Converter) FFC Baader Planetarium, germany is a masterpiece as shown with high frequency in the world wide web and is used in almost all of my projection setups.

• Leica HC PLAN S 10x/25 Br.M (normally for Light Microscopes)
• Steckanschluß 1,25" (31,8mm) mit Filtergewinde für 1,25" Filter
• appr. 53° Bildfeld (D=25mm)

I use Leica optics since almost 30 years for bright field photography and personally like the balance of warm colors and sharpness originated from the special glass sorts.
These eyepieces are often used for fluorescens microscopy of DNA or antibodies labelled cells in certain applications of science. Due to the very week signals emitted from the labelled cells, they have an incredible transmission and a slide dome effect/3D. Combined with the Zeiss/Baader binoviewer the view of moon or sun is stunning and almost 3D.

Cross section Leica HC PLAN S 10x/25

• Olympus f=8.3mm (GSWH 30x)
• Steckanschluß 1,25" (31,8mm) mit Filtergewinde für 1,25" Filter
• 5 Linsen in 3 Gruppen
• 51,3° Bildfeld (D=12mm)

These eyepieces had been recommended and distributed by Gerd Neumann, germany. The are normally used for bright microskopy and have an incredible sharp and rather cold color performance.

• UO (University Optics) eyepieces with various focal lenghts
• 25 mm
• 12.5 mm
• 5 mm

These are typical eyepieces for the observation of planets and perform with high resolutions. The 12.5mm and 5mm versions are used in the Zeiss/Baader binoviewer mainly at the moon. The 25mm version is used as a projection eyepiece for the CCD imaging of the venus.

The Zeiss/Baader binoviewer (widefield)
The following pairs of eyepieces are used:

• Leica HC PLAN S 25mm
• UO 12.5 mm
• Olympus 8.3mm
• UO 5 mm

The first two pairs with rather widefield views (53 degree) are also used in combinations with the FFC projection eyepiece. The view is very comfortable at the full moon and deepsky. For further readings I recommend the article in StuW Die Jagd nach maximaler Transmission

The MN61 and the Zeiss/Baader binoviewer-Leica HC Plan 25mm setup

The Telvue 41mm Panoptic for deepsky 'walking'

This drawing resembles the various combinations of the Zeiss/Baader binoviewer connected to Herschel Wedge Solar Prism 2"(solar) and Williams Optic Dielectric (deepsky, planet, moon) proofen to work at the very mobile ED80 refractor.

(C) 2006 - All rights reserved

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