
ASA Keller

ASA/Keller 400

-> DeepSky, Sun Bright Field, Moon, Planets​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

P Keller-ASA 400 (3600mm/ 1200mm) f9/f3 ............................ LOMO Mirror Sital Glass (f9 Secondary Flattener/ f3 Primary Corrector)


​​​​​​​Orion ED80 (partial conversion)

-> Auto-Guiding DeepSky

Orion ED 80 (600mm) f7,5 ..............................................................(shortened tube), Flip Mirror, Guider Okular, SBIG Guide Head adapter and laser quick finder

Skywatcher Evostar ED150 (total conversion)

-> Sun H-alpha

Due to the good correction of the ED Glass element, around the H-alpha red wavelength 656nm, it is used in my observatory as a H-alpha telescope. It was rebuilt for this purpose.


Original delivered Skywatcher Evostar ED150 before the extensive conversion ................. Many thanks Mr Paur for the help/ TS Ransburg, Germany

Typical Ronchigramm

Typical Ronchigramm ED150 extrafocal (reference: Jeff https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/874851-dpac-test-sw150ed/) .................................... Higly corrected in red!

All In One Solution 

-> Telescopes ASA 400 and ED150 on One enforced Base

Balancing Telescope

-> DeepSky Setup versus Projection SetUps

Balancing Telescope

1.) When the SetUp is used for DeepSky fotographie, the SBIG Camera/ Rotator/ f9 Korrektor is mounted to the ASA focuser at the backsite of ASA400.

The backsite counterweights are taken off to balance this heavy change.

2.) When the SetUp is used for Projection fotographie (Moon, Planets, Sun bright field), the ASICamera/ FFC/ Rotator is mounted to the ASA focuser at the backsite of ASA400.

3.) For the Telezentric fotographie (Sun H-alpha) the ASICamera/ Telezentric/ H-alpha Filter SetUp is mounted to the Feathertouch focuser of the ED150 refractor. 

In case of 2.) and 3.)  The backsite counterweights are mounted to the rod and moved to balance the various projection SetUp weights

The Counterweigt at the Alt-AD7 Mount in the uppermost position is minimally slided to finetune the two SetUp's Deepsky versus Projection.

Solar SetUp

-> H-alpha (ED150mm) plus Bright Field (ASA400m) converted telescopes

Solar SetUp
Solar SetUp
Solar SetUp

Astro Solar SetUp Guiding and Scintillation

DeepSky SetUp

-> Camera SBIG STX16803 linked to ASA400mm and f9 focuser

DeepSky SetUp

SBIG DeepSky Camera STX16803 Mono with SBIG STX L_R_G_B_Halpha 5 pos FilterWheel

DeepSky SetUp

Moon/Planet Projection SetUp   

-> Cameras ASI 290 mono/ASI 183 mono/ASI 294 mono linked to ASA400mm  f9 focuser

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